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2017 was a year of progress in the face of adversity. From new obstacles to environmental protections at the federal level, changes at the state level and increasing effects of our changing climate, the Bay Area Air District forged ahead with our innovative vision for a sustainable future. We passed the most health-protective toxics regulation in the nation, Rule 11-18, and launched the Spare the Air, Cool the Climate Clean Air Plan for a 2050 post-carbon Bay Area.
The Air District played a key role supporting the region with important health advisories during the North Bay wildfires. We supported first responders with weather and smoke information, supported Sonoma and Napa counties with health advisories and delivered 40,000 N95 masks for residents suffering in those counties. As the effects of our changing climate become more pronounced, the Air District is stepping up its efforts to protect public health through its wildfire response efforts.
Our new Technology Implementation Office will serve as a catalyst for innovative technologies in the field of GHG emission reductions. Through our climate protection grants which will launch next year, we look forward to partnering with local communities and public agencies with incentives for a post-carbon future.
California has always been on the cutting edge of environmental protection. The Bay Area Air District is proud to follow in that tradition through its determination and vision of a clean air future.
122.3915° W