As part of our efforts to increase transparency around our enforcement work, we developed an online tool that allows the public to view air quality violations and penalties issued to local facilities. Our ongoing partnerships with environmental justice leaders from around the Bay Area, including through the AB 617 Community Steering Committees and Community Advisory Council, are giving the most impacted communities a leading voice in developing strategies, plans and implementation of on-the-ground improvements in air quality.
Our new Strategic Plan, which will be finalized in late-2024, will guide our agency over the next five years. The plan will be grounded in equity and align with the environmental justice priorities developed by the Community Advisory Council, integrating staff expertise and real-life experiences of communities through shared leadership.
After my first year at the Air District, I am confident that we can achieve our goals based on staff’s and community partners’ dedication and determination to address longstanding air quality and environmental justice issues. I am confident that together we can strengthen our efforts to protect our air, our climate, and our communities.
Dr. Philip Fine
Executive Officer /Air Pollution Control Officer