We provided funding to East Bay Community Energy to examine the combined use of solar photovoltaic generation with battery storage to provide resilient power at city-owned facilities in times of grid outage and emergencies in Alameda and San Mateo counties. This project reduces the burden and costs to deploy solar PV and battery storage systems and can be used as a model for other jurisdictions.

In September 2022, this Bay Area program expanded to a statewide initiative, allowing small businesses across California to gain access to our impact evaluation and IBank’s loan guarantee to help secure financing for climate projects.
King Solarman’s off-grid lights and generators provide solar-powered security monitoring through sound and video footage that is stored on the cloud and can be monitored in real time.
Zevvy offers short-term, pay-per-mile electric vehicle consumer leases, helping drivers understand the advantages of switching to EVs while facilitating financing based on drivers’ needs.
We adopted Regulation 13: Climate Pollutants, Rule 5: Industrial Hydrogen Plants to limit vented emissions of total organic compounds, including methane and other hydrocarbons, from hydrogen production systems at local refineries in the Bay Area. The rule is expected to reduce methane emissions by nearly 2,300 metric tons per year — a 90 percent reduction in GHGs from hydrogen production facilities.

We are committed to accelerating electric vehicle adoption in low-income communities and those disproportionately burdened by pollution. The Charge! Program provided nearly $5 million in grants for 257 publicly available charging stations, while the Clean Cars for All Program helped income-qualified residents replace older vehicles with clean air vehicles or mobility options, such as public transit passes or e-bikes.
CCFA has awarded over $28.8 million to over 3,440 eligible residents since the program began in March 2019. The state provided $15 million in funding for 2022 and $26 million for 2023 to continue the program.
We were awarded nearly $3 million in funding from the California Energy Commission for the deployment of over 200 charging stations in Oakland, Richmond, San Pablo, and Vallejo with a focus on affordable and public housing residents.
The program is a voluntary Vessel Speed Reduction Program along the coast of California which incentivizes companies to incorporate sustainable shipping practices across their global supply chain. The 2022 season marked the highest participation rate in the program’s nine-year history, with 24 of the biggest global shipping companies agreeing to operate their vessels at speeds of 10 knots or less within designated zones. 2022 also saw an expansion of the Northern California zone to cover more of the waters off the Bay Area coastline.

Electric School Buses
San Mateo, and Sonoma counties
Vehicle Buy Back Program
Program now accepting model year 1998 and older vehicles.
removed from Bay Area roads
Buy Back Program
In April, we adopted staff-recommended California Environmental Quality Act Thresholds of Significance for Evaluating Climate Impacts from Land Use Projects and Plans. These CEQA thresholds are used to determine whether a proposed development project will have a significant impact on climate change, helping the Bay Area make meaningful progress toward reducing GHGs and establishing consistency with the state’s climate targets.
We issued Authorities to Construct for two alternative fuels projects at Marathon and Phillips 66 refineries to assist California in meeting its GHG reduction goals and transitioning to carbon neutrality by 2045.

Employers with 50 or more full-time employees were reminded in 2022 to renew their registration for the program, which helps employees easing back into the office find alternatives to driving alone to work. With telework added to the program, employers have more tools available to improve their employees' commutes through the commuter benefits package.