As new challenges arise with our changing climate, the Air District’s innovative and strategic work to address this most urgent crisis grows. As the interim executive officer of the agency for the majority of 2022, I am continually impressed by staff and leadership’s ability to chart new paths forward to address air pollution and climate impacts through partnerships with communities here at home and globally.

Our work with environmental justice communities most impacted by air pollution expanded to East Oakland, with ongoing projects in other AB 617 areas continuing as project implementation and air monitoring plans move forward in West Oakland and Richmond-San Pablo. The Community Advisory Council and the Community Equity, Health, and Justice Committee advised the Air District’s Board of Directors on measures to overcome the legacy of environmental injustice throughout the Bay Area. At the same time, our Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion continued to educate our staff and strengthen the agency’s culture of inclusion, while ensuring that our external programs support social equity and inclusion broadly across the communities we serve.
Our wide array of programs that reduce climate-warming greenhouse gases expanded through grant programs and rule development and the adoption of a first-in-the-nation regulation for hydrogen production facilities. Our Climate Tech Finance Program continued to fund innovative projects that reduce GHGs, while our Charge! and Clean Cars for All programs facilitated broader adoption of zero- and low-emission vehicles.
The Clean Air Centers Program was launched, establishing more than 300 clean air spaces throughout the Bay Area in communities most impacted by air pollution, in order to address disparities in access to clean air during wildfire events.
Our staff continued work at the state and federal level to push forward new air quality and climate legislation and participated in workshops to champion funding allocations for the region through the Inflation Reduction Act. Staff shared expertise and resources globally at the COP27 UN climate conference in Egypt, while learning from strategies employed by communities worldwide.
It has been an honor to serve as the interim executive officer of an agency that continues to do cutting-edge work, charting a new path forward to protect the health of our most vulnerable communities and overcome the shared climate challenges that we all face. We look forward to advancing our work in the coming year under the leadership of Dr. Philip Fine, the new executive officer of the Air District.

Interim Executive Officer /Air Pollution Control Officer